
Sunday, July 22, 2012

How to: Replace a View Used to Represent a Specific Master-Detail Relationship

Assume that a grid control displays a master-detail relationship between two tables. The relationship is named "Orders". The following example shows how to replace the existing View representing the "Orders" relationship with a new banded View.

First a node within the GridControl.LevelTree representing the "Orders" relationship is located. The existing View is disposed of and a new banded View is then assigned to this relationship.


using DevExpress.XtraGrid;

using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base;

using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid;

using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.BandedGrid;


// Collapse all the details opened for the master rows in the main view.

(gridControl1.MainView as GridView).CollapseAllDetails();


// Get the node at the first nesting level that stores a view for the "Orders" relation.

GridLevelNode node = gridControl1.LevelTree.Nodes["Orders"];

if(node == null) return;

// The old view which represents the "Orders" relation.

BaseView oldView = node.LevelTemplate;        

// Dispose of this view.



// Create a new view.

BandedGridView bandedView = new BandedGridView(gridControl1);           

// Associate this view with the "Orders" relation.

node.LevelTemplate = bandedView;


// Customize the new view.

GridBand band = bandedView.Bands.Add("Orders");

BandedGridColumn column = (BandedGridColumn)bandedView.Columns.Add("ID");

column.OwnerBand = band;

column.Visible = true;


column = (BandedGridColumn)bandedView.Columns.AddField("ProductID");

column.OwnerBand = band;

column.Visible = true;



Imports DevExpress.XtraGrid
Imports DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base
Imports DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid
Imports DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.BandedGrid
' Collapse all the details opened for the master rows in the main view.
CType(GridControl1.MainView, GridView).CollapseAllDetails()
' Get the node at the first nesting level that stores a view for the "Orders" relation.
Dim node As GridLevelNode = GridControl1.LevelTree.Nodes("Orders")
If node Is Nothing Then Return
' The old view which represents the "Orders" relation.
Dim oldView As BaseView = node.LevelTemplate
' Dispose of this view.
' Create a new view.
Dim bandedView As BandedGridView = New BandedGridView(GridControl1)
' Associate this view with the "Orders" relation.
node.LevelTemplate = bandedView
' Customize the new view.
Dim band As GridBand = bandedView.Bands.Add("Orders")
Dim column As BandedGridColumn = bandedView.Columns.Add("ID")
column.OwnerBand = band
column.Visible = True
column = bandedView.Columns.AddField("ProductID")
column.OwnerBand = band
column.Visible = True


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